Category: Eastern Sea

A number of texts suggest that the Arimaspeia included a description of an eastern sea, equivalent to the southwest part of the Caspian Sea.

Herodotos on Aristeas’ account of his journey

And Aristeas son of Kaustrobios, a man of Prokonnesos, composed verses saying he reached the Issedones while seized by Apollo, and that dwelling above the Issedones were one-eyed Arimasps-men, and above them, the gold-guarding griffins,…

Simias on reaching Hyperborea, the Massagetai, the Kampasos river and half-dog men

And up to the rich country of the far-away Hyperboreans, with whom once ago banqueted hero king Perseus. And there where the Massagetai, riders of swift horses, dwell confident in their quick-shooting bows.And I came…