Category: Kampasos

The Kampasos river is known mainly from an excerpt of Simias’ Apollo, an early Hellenistic poem that imitated and drew from the Arimaspeia. It also shows up as Cambyses in the geography of Pliny the Elder, and is clearly related to the region known as Kambisene to Strabo and Kambečan to medieval Armenian writers, straddling the modern border of Georgia and Azerbaijan. The scant and somewhat contradictory information that has survived about the Kampasos seems to identify it as the Kura river and/or one of its northern tributaries.

Simias on reaching Hyperborea, the Massagetai, the Kampasos river and half-dog men

And up to the rich country of the far-away Hyperboreans, with whom once ago banqueted hero king Perseus. And there where the Massagetai, riders of swift horses, dwell confident in their quick-shooting bows.And I came…