Pliny citing Aristeas as a source for his Natural History

Book VII contains […].
From the authors: […].
Foreign [authors]: Herodotos, Aristeas, Baiton, Isigonos, Krates, Agatharchides, Kalliphanes, Aristotle, Nymphodoros, Apollonides, Phylarchos, Damon, Megasthenes, Ktesias, Tauron, Eudoxos, Onesikritos, Kleitarchos, Douris, Artemidoros, Hippokrates the medic, Asklepiades the medic, Hesiod, Anakreon, Theopompos, Hellanikos, Damastes, Ephoros, Epigenes, Berossos, Petosiris, Nechepso, Alexandros Polyhistor, Xenophon, Kallimachos, Demokritos, Diyllos the historian, Strato who wrote against Ephoros’ ‘Discoveries,’ Herakleides of Pontos, Asklepiades who wrote ‘The Subjects of Tragedy,’ Philostephanos, Hegesias, Archemachos, Thoukydides, Mnesigiton, Xenagoras, Metrodoros of Skepsis, Antikleides, Kritodemos.

Author: Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus)

Title of Work: Natural History

Location in Work: 1.7

Date of Work: c. 77 CE

Original Language: Latin

Original Text:

Libro VII continentur [...]. Ex auctoribus [...]. Externis Herodoto. Aristea. Baetone. Isigono. Cratete. Agatharchide. Calliphane. Aristotele. Nymphodoro. Apollonide. Phylarcho. Damone. Megasthene. Ctesia. Taurone. Eudoxo. Onesicrito. Clitarcho. Duride. Artemidoro. Hippocrate medico. Asclepiade medico. Hesiodo. Anacreonte. Theopompo. Hellanico. Damaste. Ephoro. Epigene. Beroso. Petosiri. Nechepso. Alexandro polyhistore. Xenophonte. Callimacho. Democrito. Diyllo historico. Stratone qui contra Ephori εὐρήματα scripsit. Heraclide Pontico. Asclepiade qui τραγῳδούμενα. Philostephano. Hegesia. Archemacho. Thucydide. Mnesigitone. Xenagora. Metrodoro Scepsio. Anticlide. Critodemo.

Reference Edition: König and Winkler, Plinius Naturkunde.

Source of Date of Work: Pliny, Natural History, preface 3


Pliny is thought to have read most of the 327 Greek authors he cites as sources in his Natural History through Latin intermediates (König and Winkler, Plinius Naturkunde, v. 1, 355). Pliny’s citation of Aristeas should not be considered evidence that Pliny owned or read a copy of the Arimaspeia (as Dowden suggests in his commentaries on BNJ 35 T7b and F3b).

The list of Greek authors cited by Pliny as sources for Book 7 of the Natural History is quoted here in full for convenient comparison with the claim in Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights (9.4.1-5) to have found copies of the works of Aristeas and other Greek authors in Brundisium.

Concordance: BNJ Aristeas (35) T7b.